Skeletal Archer
Skeletal Archer

Skeletal Archer
Skeletal Archer
Время каста: | Мгновенно | Тип цели: | На себя |
Длительность: | 16 секунд | Стоимость: | 2065 выносливости |
Converts into a Stamina ability and deals Physical Damage. The archer deals more damage with each attack.
Cost: 2065 Stamina.
CRIMINAL ACT. Unearth a skeletal archer from the dirt to fight by your side for 16 seconds. The archer attacks the closest enemy every 2 seconds, dealing [1903 / 1925 / 1945 / 1965] Physical Damage. Each time the archer deals damage, its next attack will do 10% more damage than the previous attack. Creates a corpse on death.
Cost: 2065 Stamina.
CRIMINAL ACT. Unearth a skeletal archer from the dirt to fight by your side for 16 seconds. The archer attacks the closest enemy every 2 seconds, dealing [1903 / 1925 / 1945 / 1965] Physical Damage. Each time the archer deals damage, its next attack will do 10% more damage than the previous attack. Creates a corpse on death.